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Whitish While Pregnant

Posted by : Posted on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - 7:27 AM with No comments

Whitish While Pregnant
Whitish During Pregnancy is one of the things that will be experienced by a pregnant woman, because usually pregnant women will experience significant changes in the body. However it is important to understand that the changes in the whether because of factors that could be considered normal (physiologically) or may be changes due to abnormal (pathological) that need to be addressed.

All pregnant women are especially vulnerable to the discharge from the vagina due to hormonal changes during the pregnancy period. In other words, almost all women who are pregnant will have the name of the vaginal discharge, but the thing to remember is whether the whitish process is fairly normal kkarena factors or due to the reaction of infection ...?

Why Discharge occurred while pregnant ...?

Whitish while pregnant either because the hormonal changes in the body. The presence of increased blood flow, especially in the area of ​​femininity while pregnant will affect a lot of vaginal discharge. Increased vaginal discharge during pregnancy is used to prevent infection of the vaginal canal to the uterus.

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But keep in mind .. If the vaginal fluid was contaminated with a variety of bacteria, virus or parasite, then it certainly will be able to be bad. And one of the things that can not be avoided during pregnancy is difficult to clean the vagina Area area that will provide opportunities for various kinds of germs, bacteria and all types of parasites to thrive.

Discharge Characteristics in Pregnant Women

Most pregnant women in Indonesia is less concerned with the whiteness (they consider it a matter of course). when we realize it or not, whitish to be one of the causes of problems in the vagina (for reproduction).

Here are a few things that characterize a fairly normal occurrence of vaginal discharge in pregnant women:

  • Discharge color is clear and whitish
  • Do not remove the smell (odorless)
  • Not cause itching
  • Not cause pain around the vagina

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But if pregnant women who experience vaginal discharge with the following characteristics such as this, then it is already handling more serious need of an obstetrician:

  • Discharge is white in color and slightly yellowish and even in some cases there are up to a greenish color
  • Discharge from the vagina is more viscous and sticky if on hold
  • Discharge from the vagina is quite a lot
  • Itchy which reached the stage of unbearable
  • The smell is issued is not very pleasant
  • In the area around the vagina will appear reddish color

Here are some tips that can be made lightly during pregnancy guidelines to be as much as possible to prevent or treat vaginal discharge:

  • Try to always keep the vagina and surrounding area
  • Immediately dry the vagina and surrounding area after wetting process occurs (finished urinating etc.)
  • Always wear underwear made of cotton material
  • Avoid taking special drugs femininity with frequent
  • Avoid as much as possible to do a vaginal douche (vaginal spray fluid)

That is a brief review of vaginal discharge when pregnant you need to know in order to serve as guidelines for pregnant women to immediately consult with a gynecologist. No need to be ashamed and embarrassed because the sooner the better addressed also to the development of the fetus.
Hope It Is Useful ...

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 7:27 AM


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