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Traditional medicine Powerful Rid of Blackheads on Face

Posted by : Posted on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - 3:04 PM with No comments

Lately, the use of traditional medicine from natural herbal ingredients to overcome or eliminate altogether stubborn blackheads on the face has become the choice of most people, both adult and young though. All of this can not be separated from the benefits which they all feel the results are much safer, cheaper and of course arguably could satisfy them all.

Here is a brief explanation of some of the Traditional Medicine Powerful Rid of Blackheads on Face with -material-herbal ingredients that nourish

1. Papaya

Papaya apart very easily in get (especially in the tropics), it turns out the results of the study some time ago it is known that a lot of papaya fruit contains a compound that functions can be overcome or eliminate blackheads and of course also be able to cure acne is stubborn, especially the meat of the papaya.

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While the method of manufacture and use is also very easy, namely puree or mash the papaya flesh is mature enough and do not forget to add milk and honey to taste alone. Then stir until evenly or actually already completely mixed, and then try to make a mask on your face and let stand about 20 minutes and the final rinse with clean water.

2. Egg whites

Egg white has always known to be very effective to eliminate Komeda very quickly. The trick is also quite simple, namely prepare just enough egg white and apply on face to evenly or in areas most often seized with blackheads and let stand approximately 15menitan then rinse with warm water to clean.

3. Lemon

Traditional medicine Rid of Blackheads on Face The next is a lemon. Additionally it contains a lot of vitamin C and flavonoids as well as citric acid compounds, it turns lemons also have properties that can be overcome or remove blackheads fast enough and safe.

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How to manufacture and use is also considered to be very easy, which squeeze the lemon to taste and take water juice alone. Spread evenly on the most frequently blackheads or on the face and around and let stand and leave overnight (wear at bedtime) kemudain after tomorrow immediately rinse thoroughly.

4. Brine

So far we know salt is herbs that must always exist. Though salt was also efficacious to overcome and eliminate blackheads. The trick is to pour salt to taste into a glass or bowl of warm water and stir until the salt dissolves, then wear the salt water solution to wash or rinse the face evenly.
Perform this process regularly for maximum results.

5. Orange Peel

The latter is the orange peel (preferably lime) are known efficacious overcome and eliminate blackheads on the face. The trick is also fairly easy once, namely citrus peelings paste on the face and rub-rub gently then set aside some time and then rinse.

That's some brief reviews of Traditional medicine Powerful Rid of Blackheads on Face that can overcome and eliminate problems in the face of stubborn blackheads. The use of natural herbal ingredients that can easily and reasonably cheap price in addition to a more secure, but also able to provide a positive effect for skin health.
Hope can give little benefit to you and all the people closest to you.

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 3:04 PM


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