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The Best Way to Overcome Whitish in Women

Posted by : Posted on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - 6:31 AM with No comments

The Best Way to Overcome Whitish in Women
Before we discuss more about the Best Way to Overcome Whitish in Women, it helps us to know in advance what the heck causes and symptoms of vaginal discharge that ...

Have you experience vaginal itching accompanied by thick mucus discharge that is white in color, but the smell is issued smells bad ...? Beware if something like that had happened to you, because it could be your vagina is in trouble. Because we all know that the vagina is very vulnerable once infected with various diseases, one of which we know known as whitish disease.

Fluor Albus or commonly known as whiteness is the occurrence of an infection which is accompanied by the onset of itching in the area of ​​the inside of the vagina and also on the outside of the vagina, it is usually marked by the appearance of a white liquid similar or slightly yellowish white a little gray.

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Several types of bacteria, viruses and fungi as well as a parasite is a major cause of vaginal discharge that strikes women. Although the disease was initially classified as a disease vaginal discharge that could be considered harmless, but if not taken seriously they can be harmful to your vagina.

Prevention and early treatment is still the best solution to always keep your vagina of the things that does not want any further.
Here are some preventive measures to address diseases such whiteness:

1. Always use proper Bandages

Bandages are the best buddy for a woman when she is menstruating which serves as an absorbent medium bleeding from the vagina. But get yourself to always replace it every 4 hours every day, and do not forget to pick pads and seat cushions from quality materials and are made of natural materials abahan.

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2. Always keep the moisture Vagina

According to an expert in Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr. Adhi Bhakti Gina, SpOG, by always keeping the moisture of the vagina was already an early stage to avoid whitish disease. Because the color change and the release of bad odor as a result of the level of acidity in the vagina is quite high, if left unchecked it will certainly cause pain. In anjurka to not use douching (liquid spray) because it can cause interference with the pH balance in the vagina.

3. Clean the exact Miss.V

In addition to the most important moisture is keep the vagina that is by regularly and when cleaning the vagina try from front to back (from the vulva to anus) it is to avoid germs that stick in the anus to the vagina.

4. Traditional Medicine Discharge of Betel Leaves

By boiling 10 betel leaves that have been washed clean with water as much as 2 liters of boiling water which then is (after cooling) is used to clean all parts of the vagina, then it can help avoid disease whitish because betel leaf has always been in the know have content batlephenol and kavinol high enough. Both of these compounds function as a killer germs and bacteria, and can eliminate the fungus.

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5. Eat more garlic

Expand to consume garlic, either through diet or the other. Because based on the results of the study some health experts, shows that garlic does have the nature to eradicate bacteria, viruses and fungi that became one of the causes of vaginal discharge.

Such is the Best Way to Overcome Whitish In Women, hopefully this brief information could be of little use, but if there are further infection, then antibiotics should be given special more precise in accordance with a doctor's prescription. And finally, try to refrain from stress and exercise regularly and also always keep a balanced diet with a healthy diet.

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 6:31 AM


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