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Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Posted by : Posted on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 - 5:49 PM with No comments

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is a cancer that attacks the cervix and become one of the most deadly diseases in the world. Symptoms of Cervical Cancer is the biggest cause is the result of a kind papapran virus called human papilloma virus (HPV) or commonly known as human papilloma virus specific.

This virus type most commonly found in people who suffer from or infected with HIV-positive up to 77% and then the rest of it is found in normal women. Around the world, this type of cancer to be one very frightening specter for most women because every 2 minutes will be detected patients who died.

Lack of knowledge and understanding (especially in countries emerging) is the biggest cause of developing this disease, so a lot of women who really do not realize if it is exposed / infected with this deadly cancer.

See also :  Characteristics of Cervical Cancer

Early Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

When still at the beginning stage, the woman who was suffering from cervical cancer would be difficult to find, because women who are infected or not (normal women) is almost no difference.

If further medical examination with pap smear system, is likely to be more open terdeksi because this kind of test is possible to find out early. Pap smears can be done when a woman has entered the age of 21 years and above, and it can be done on a regular basis to old age.

The following is a brief description of the advanced symptoms of a woman if already infected with HPV are:

1. Discharge pathogenic

whitish or in medical terms is referred to as flour albus an ordinary normal disease that often occurs in a woman usually marked with a vaginal discharge that is quite a lot (clear liquid). But if you or your brother experience vaginal discharge with some of the following attributes, so vigilance is necessary to:
- Discharge from the vagina huge numbers
- The liquid should become more viscous aqueous
- Removing the smell is not very pleasant
- The color tends not normal (yellowish, greenish or brownish)
- Accompanied by the emergence of a sense of heat and also accompanied by intense itching in the vaginal area

See also :  Terrible Facts About Cervical Cancer, Did You Know ...?

2. Pain in the area of ​​femininity

Pain or pain that comes from the female organ that is usually caused by HPV that have been breed and its presence causes disruption of the immune system to the abdominal area ache especially the bottom. Even in the thigh also feel the same pain.

3. Bleeding

Discharge of blood that continues in the area of ​​women's vital organs are not part of the usual menstrusi cycle, it is necessary to do further tests in order to avoid or minimize the development of the HPV virus in the body.

4. Painful urination

HPV virus that has developed in the bladder will make a woman experiences pain when she was wasting water, and it usually indicates that the cancer is in misery has entered the final stage.

See also :  Causes Early emergence of Blackheads, beware!

5. Decreased appetite

Appetite is suddenly decreased is one indication of a person has been infected with the HPV virus. It will also cause disruption imune system and some other systems in the body.

7. Swelling in the legs

If in the area of ​​the foot has been swelling for no apparent reason, then it can also be an initial indication that a person has been infected with HPV in the body was.

8. Fatigue faster

Fatigue that strikes suddenly for no apparent reason also be an early indication of a person infected with HPV.

Thus a brief discussion about Symptoms of Cervical Cancer and hopefully with this short could give more benefits to your life and your family. Vigilance and alertness of your very necessary to maintain the health of your body in general and in particular of your female organs. If you feel things are not good in you, then it's good da consult with specialists in the field.
Hope it is useful ...

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 5:49 PM


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