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Best Ways to Keep Skin Free From Acne

Posted by : Posted on Monday, March 23, 2015 - 9:30 AM with No comments

Best Ways to Keep Skin Free From Acne
Whether you are one who has a type of skin is vulnerable to the symptoms of acne ...? If the answer is yes, then you need to read the Best Ways to Keep Skin Free From Acne is to be used as guidelines to make the face clean and free from acne.

Below will explain briefly some of the best ways to make the face look more beautiful, more clean and free from acne:

1. Wash Face Routine

There is no harm if the habit of always washing your face regularly at least 2x a day, although it sometimes looks heavy but if it is done regularly, it will not feel heavy. * Use soap that is made specifically for the face and do not forget mebilasnya with warm water. Do not get used to rub the skin while washing your face.

See also : 

2. Remove Acne Squeeze Habits

Do not get used to squeeze / acne break though for a time it seemed to speed up the process of elimination of acne on the face, because it can lead to a more lenjut infection and can also cause skin tissue Swelling in the lower face. Swelling that occurs can cause scars that is difficult to remove.

3. Do not Hold Acne

The habit of holding a new pimple growing or already enlarged sometimes indeed very exciting. But get yourself to not get used to hold acne though only briefly because it can be hand or your fingers contain many germs and can aggravate acne conditions, but if it does not stand to touch it, try to wash your hands thoroughly beforehand.

See also :  Traditional medicine Powerful Rid of Blackheads on Face

4. Clean Glasses (if wear)

If you wear glasses, then it would be better if the cleanliness of glasses should also be maintained on a regular basis. Because sometimes the body of the glasses contain many germs or bacteria that can be transmitted through direct contact when the glasses are used.

5. Loose Clothing for Acne on Back

Wear looser clothing will provide runag for air to circulate properly if the pimples appear at the back. But if wearing clothes that are narrow, it can create irritation in the skin and make the skin tissue infected.

See also :  Causes Early emergence of Blackheads, beware!

6. Clean Make Up Before Bed

Do not get yourself to sleep before the former makeup cleared from the face until completely clean, it is to avoid clogging the pores of the skin due to the use of the cosmetic ingredients.

Indeed, for this problem occur around the skin is usually caused by hormonal factors, climate change and also by skin hygiene factor itself. Take some of the Best Ways to Keep Skin Free of Acne on the top so that the skin of the body, especially the skin can avoid acne and look more clean and beautiful.
Hope it is useful ...

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 9:30 AM


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