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Terrible Facts About Cervical Cancer, Did You Know ...?

Posted by : Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - 6:22 PM with No comments

Terrible Facts About Cervical Cancer
Perhaps the title of the article Terrible Facts About Cervical Cancer, Did You Know ...? dramatic look really .. But does the fact that cancer is one of the most horrible disease for someone, especially cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer that attacks a woman's cervix is ​​caused by a virus which in medical terms is known as Human Papilloma Virus commonly abbreviated to HPV. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) it turns out that attack cervical cancer is still the leading cause of death in a woman.

In today's society is a lot of growing myths concerning the problem of cervical cancer, but it's good before believing these myths you know the truth about the cervical cancer ..

1. Cervical cancer is a disease that is not identical / not the same as cervical cancer, although equally attacked the area of ​​femininity because the cervix itself turned out to be located in the lower part of the uterus of a woman. Triggers cervical cancer in because of the growth of cells that are abnormal in the cervix.

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2. Most women underestimate the symptoms of cervical cancer such as those that are used and may be dangerous. In reality, most of which are already suffering from the disease will die.

3. Many women believe that cervical cancer is a hereditary disease, whereas the sebanarnya is the biggest cause of disease infection called human papilloma virus and its main characteristic is to cause cancer.

4. The evidence suggests that the cervical cancer disease can infect anyone regardless of age limit and can also infect married woman though. However, from the results of the study showed that the most frequent cases hterjadi exist in women who are still young.

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5. Wearing a sort of condom contraception was not a guarantee would definitely be safe from the spread of the virus because the virus can be spread through direct skin contact in the genital area.

6. Another fact that is quite astonishing is that the symptoms of this type of cancer is very difficult to find symptom development. Because the symptoms are very similar to women who do not suffer from the disease. Usually the symptoms can only be found if the woman has undergone an advanced stage or if the woman is severe enough to damage to the vital organs.

7. Prevention of the disease is usually only through vaccination. Giving the vaccine will make the immune system (immune system) to be increased. And prevention of the next level through the course with a pap smear should be done with doctor consult an expert.

8. Women who are teens need vaccines, because such measures are proven to make the immune level higher a teenage girl so of course can make the girl protected from HPV infection. The effective vaccine given before entering the teenage girls 21 years of age.

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9. One of the biggest causes of cervical cancer is also influenced by lifestyle classified as unhealthy. The habit of consuming foods and drinks that contain many chemicals that can cause cancer dangerous, women who smoke and women drunk who liked to drink alcoholic beverages is also a hobby promiscuous life is of course very easy to be caught HPV.

10. The use of sanitary napkins are less well (the replacement of old ones) into one that can lead to cervical cancer. Any objects that come into contact with the female reproductive organs normally be the cause of fungi or bacteria harmful. Replacement pads every 4 hours will prevent infections caused by fungi or bacteria harmful.

After you read Terrible Facts About Cervical Cancer, Did You Know ...? is, of course, the most understanding you could a little more open, because in the opinion of dr.Sigit Purbadi, SpOG (K) which was submitted in site some time ago stating "myth prevalent in the community can lead to misunderstandings that more lanjutmengenai cervical cancer and if not promptly corrected it can make people would dependency with the myth ". Hopefully after knowing the facts, you can better appreciate the health of your reproductive organs.
Hope it is useful ...

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 6:22 PM


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