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Tips to Know The Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Posted by : Posted on Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 9:00 PM with No comments

Tips to Know The Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Tips to Know The Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer which will be described below may be a handbook for women in particular to be more vigilant in order to avoid this one deadly cancer.

As it is known that breast cancer originated from a malignant tumor that first appeared in the cells of the breast Area. Cancer cells can grow or thrive and invade other cells of the body's vital organs.

The following will explain what are the warning that can be used as a guide to determine the cancer early:

1. Breast lumps or lumpiness

A lump in the breast when she was menstruating is a relatively reasonable thing happens, it usually happens due to the hormone estrogen that changed when she was menstruating. But if there are lumps that are not on menstrual periods and large enough, the article should immediately consult a physician.

See also :  Wary of Breast Cancer

It is in fact a lot of women who sometimes do not know or are not aware if the breasts are a problem or there is something wrong / abnormal (early signs of breast cancer). It was not because the network contained in the breast and surrounding tissue is a type of very smooth and bumpy.

If the lump that appears looks noticeably louder when touched or tasted different than usual, then it needs to be aware because it could be your breasts are experiencing serious problems. The amount of the lump sometimes resemble the size of peas or perhaps also for the grapes.

Examination using ultrasound or mammography way will be able to give a clearer picture again. Routine inspection needs to be done by women who have entered the range of 35 years of age.

See also :  Using Brassiere Trigger Breast Cancer

Consult with a doctor who is an expert is needed to be done if a woman has been discovered or developed signs as follows:
The presence of a lump that is somewhat different than usual in the breast and surrounding areas.
Breast shape having a bit of shrinkage, especially in the nipple will be drowned.
Pain and swelling that is outside Menstrual symptoms will be slow.

2. Changes in nipple

It is true once if changes occur in Area nipples are not all part of the sign of breast cancer itself. Because often changes occur by the response from the outside like when women are breastfeeding or even perhaps also because of certain medical conditions although very rare.

See also :  Terrible Facts About Cervical Cancer, Did You Know ...?

Tests done earlier against all forms of abnormal changes of the breast will make a woman is much more safe and secure in order to prevent cancer as early as possible this very ditakutakan.

In other words, all the Tips to Know The Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer will not be maximized as early as possible if you are less sensitive or less attention to the health condition of your body. Highly suggested to always be alert to any changes in your breasts, though it is very small.
Hope it is useful ...

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 9:00 PM


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