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Wary of Breast Cancer

Posted by : Posted on Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 3:13 PM with No comments

Wary of Breast Cancer
Wary of Breast Cancer is an attitude that should be owned by every woman, it is not because the cancer is indeed a very frightening specter than cervical cancer.

Breast cancer usually occurs in areas of the flow channel of a woman's milk. And it turns out this type of cancer is one of the malignant tumor that has the ability to spread to other areas of the body.

Cancer properties of this one proved to be very invasive and most common in women in almost all the world. It turns out that breast cancer can also attack a man even though the case is very rare. And other interesting facts, it turns out in developed countries are more cancer found due to lifestyle changes people.

See also : Using Brassiere Trigger Breast Cancer

And in most cases find a breast cancer that attacks a woman, aged between 40-49 years, whereas for which are above or below this age it is rarely found.

Basically, there are several kinds / classes of breast cancer that usually develops in the body. And more particularly divided into groups / species that are non-invasive and invasive nature:

1. The type of non-invasive breast cancer

The type of cancer that are non-invasive usually also known as ductal carcinoma in situ. This type of cancer is usually still at the breast line and still have the nature to develop themselves to invaded the surrounding area. Indeed, not all forms of cancer in the form of lumps.

See also :  Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

2. The type of invasive breast cancer

In general, the most common is a type of infiltrating ductal carcinoma IDC or that are able to spread / invasion into the lymph, and it is usually found 8 cases out of 10 cases could be found, or in other words, this type of cancer is more common. So to say that breast cancer invasive species is the type most common in women.

So what are some that could be a sign and symptoms that lead to breast cancer ...?

See also :  Terrible Facts About Cervical Cancer, Did You Know ...?

The earliest symptoms usually happens is that there are signs in the breast area Area thicker or like protrusions and a lump / bump is going to hurt if exposed to the touch. The pain that attack will usually cause tremendous disruption once and it happened outside the menstrual symptoms. There are also changes that occur in the breast shape and color becomes reddish, and if the condition is severe, then the area will bleed nipple.

But certainly, Wary of Breast Cancer is an act that should be done by every woman. And perform self-examination to a specialist be the most appropriate action for the medical treatment, checkingnya system becomes more detailed and precise.
Hope it is useful ...

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 3:13 PM


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