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Food Causes Whitish Disease .. Really Just a Myth ...?

Posted by : Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2015 - 10:42 PM with No comments

Food causes whitish disease .. Really just a myth ...? find all the answers here
There are so many women who try to always avoid some types of Food Causes Whitish Disease .. Really Just a Myth ...? who had always believed to be able to trigger the onset of vaginal discharge, whereas such presumption if the truth will not be tracked can cause misunderstandings getting longer and the longer.

Therefore, the following will be explained what foods have always disangkut-pautkan with the appearance of whitish, if all this is true ...? or it is just a myth ...!

1. Pineapple
Pineapple become one of the fruits that have always been connected with the onset of vaginal discharge for the eating, but the assumption is wrong. Because pineapple fruit contains a lot of fiber and vitamins that are needed by the body. Even amino acids, beta-carotene and also aktioksidan contained in it is great to help the level of concentration and also can prevent cataracts.

See also :

2. Cucumber
It is customary in the community (women) not to consume cucumbers, because the growing myth that fruit can cause vaginal discharge. When in fact quite the contrary, in the cucumber was found to contain a lot of vitamins A and B and C and also contains many minerals, substances magnesium, potassium and silica substance that can nourish the skin, can facilitate digestion and also can treat diabetes. Even malonic acid contained in it is proven to reduce weight naturally.

3. Bananas
There is a perception in the community that do not allow a woman eating a banana too much. It is accompanied by sufficient scientific grounds, as reported by Reuters that according to a nutrition expert Indonesia Prof. Ir. Ms Ahmad Sulaiman, PhD explained that in the banana there is a substance that can create increased libido, to single women is not recommended to consume excess bananas. But all of that has absolutely nothing to do with the problem of whiteness.

See also :  Characteristics Colour Whitish Disease

4. Dried Fruit
Fruits that have gone through the drying process does contain a lot of sugar is high enough, and it could lead to the proliferation of fungi in the area of ​​femininity. Highly recommended a woman does not consume fruits that have been dried.

5. Cheese
Cheese is one food that is processed by fermentation system, and it is thought to be one of the triggers of whiteness in a woman. So it is highly advisable for women to not consume fermented foods such other tomato paste and mushrooms.

6. Eggplant
One fruit that can lead to the appearance of whitish mitaoskan is eggplant fruit, Is this correct ...? It is not true, because the fruit contains many compounds phycocynanin very healthy for the body. Mengkonsunsi eggplant regularly precisely to prevent many dangerous diseases in the body such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, can prevent heart disease and others.

See also :  The Best Way to Overcome Whitish in Women

So who really is no fresh fruit is the cause of vaginal discharge, it is justified by a lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine, a Andalas University in Padang, Dr. Yusrawati, SpOG (K). Because according to him, the vaginal discharge caused by various types of viruses, bacteria and fungus.

Those are some interesting facts you need to know about Food Causes Whitish Disease .. Really Just a Myth ...? which over the years has always been a myth that hurt many people, especially women.
Hope it is useful ...

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 10:42 PM


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