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Characteristics of Cervical Cancer

Posted by : Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - 10:30 PM with No comments

Characteristics of Cervical Cancer
Before knowing Characteristics of Cervical Cancer, helps us to know a little about what exactly the cervical cancer. The fact that can not be underestimated is that worldwide the disease is still the most deadly disease for women.

The high rate of spread of the disease can not be separated from the limited access to screening and treatment limitations also exist, so many of the women who come for treatment was already at the level of stage 3 and above. This is of course due to the lack of dissemination of relevant government authorities to explain clearly to the public what exactly is the cervical cancer, so that most of the women can better understand what the disease actually.

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Virus called Human Papilloma major cause of cervical cancer usually takes the fairly long growing between 10-20 year of the beginning of a small infection that happens, that's why the lady is the recommended to always consult regularly (medical check-up) by means of IVA test (ie perform a visual infection with acetic acid compound) approximately 2 years or less. This type of cancer if not treated immediately can cause the spread to other body organs.

The following brief explanation might give some idea as to whether the characteristics of cervical cancer so that you can be helped to recognize it early:

If after intercourse as a married couple you feel pain around your sex organs, then of course it is essential to be aware and alert you further because maybe your feminine area had the infection.

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If at any time you experience symptoms of abnormal vaginal discharge that is classified as less as an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge, discharge accompanied discharge of blood, accompanied by unpleasant odors and no excessive itching and the presence of pelvic pain Area that are not normally .

Cervical cancer has entered the acute level or in an advanced stage will usually provide some visual cues very easy to see, such as the thighs experience swelling, a decrease in appetite to eat on the sufferer, when urinating will experience pain and also accompanied by a discharge of blood.

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While the factors biggest cause of cancer include:

  • Intercourse / sexual while still very early age. If you ever do this once forbidden is still very early age then you need to be vigilant against the disease.
  • Sexual intercourse / sex in a way that often change partners.
  • The high rate of pregnancy in women also greatly affect the development of the human papilloma virus, which women whose age ranged from 35 to 50 years is a woman with a very vulnerable age level of exposure to the disease.

That some of Characteristics of Cervical Cancer that may be of little help you to be more alert as very deadly disease that is. In addition, if you can recognize it early then maybe you can help those you care to avoid this deadly disease.
Hope it is useful ...

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 10:30 PM


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