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Natural Ways to redden lips with Natural Ingredients

Posted by : Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2015 - 3:11 PM with No comments

Natural Ways to redden lips with Natural IngredientsDiscusses how Natural Ways to redden lips with Natural Ingredients, of course, something that is quite attractive to a woman. Due to the visible red chapped lips will certainly make a woman look more beautiful and more confident.

Already natural for a woman who always wanted to have more red lips chapped nan. Not infrequently the many women who are willing to spend a lot of money to fulfill her desire to have red lips and beautiful, sometimes there is also to be willing to embroider lips and wearing lipstick expensive to meet all of that.

Although embroidered lips cause pain, but still many women are willing to do so. As for women who use lipstick, they do not feel satisfaction because the men prefer the natural red lips, red is not the result of lip color.

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Then if you want to have natural red lips whether to spend a lot of money ...? Do not worry, because with natural ingredients that is easy on the can, practical and also very economical course, it also can really ...

Some of these tips may be tried at home:

1. redden lips with Natural Toothpaste

The first and the most common way a person usually by rubbing toothpaste because in addition to easy to do, the way though the results are not instant enough to last a long time (just last day of course).

How to use it is very easy, apply toothpaste on the lips before or at bedtime, then the next day dried toothpaste was cleaned with water.

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2. redden lips Natural with Honey

Honey, which is known as the full benefits of the properties of fluid has been shown to cure many diseases, it also has a function as a natural medicine which lipstick.

How to use it was also very easy, which only apply to lips to taste honey before bedtime or during the night, then the next day in the wash with water. This way if done regularly will also make a red lips look naturally.

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Simple ways following is also shown to redden the lips are natural and very easy to do it yourself at home:

  • Olive oil mixed with honey or can be mixed with sugar can be used as a mixture for nutritious apply to lips to redden the lips. But keep in mind yes, clean or make sure the first lip of lipstick before using this herb.
  • Consuming fruits are still fresh and green vegetables also be able to make more red lips and healthy.
  • Massage gently on the lips by using coconut oil is done on a regular basis will be able to reduce wrinkles on the upper lip.

Thus Natural Ways to redden lips with Natural Ingredients that can be tried at home and fairly easy to do. But if all these ways still can not work out, then do the embroidery technique lips could be the last alternative that could be more red lips chapped.
Hope it is useful ...

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 3:11 PM


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