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Using Brassiere Trigger Breast Cancer

Posted by : Posted on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 - 10:24 PM with No comments

Perhaps the title of Using Brassiere Trigger Breast Cancer slightly disturbing way the minds of many women who read it, because for a woman bra is one of the essential needs of the nearly inseparable in everyday life.

Using Brassiere Trigger Breast Cancer
Wearing a bra in everyday would enable women to appear more confident. Because the bra can make breasts more awake beauty and shape. So in other words, the use of the actual bra is designed specifically to give the breast shape change for the better.

Spoken camisole will provide constant pressure on the soft tissues of the breast and it will give you results that are compressing / compacting and also contraction in lymphatic around the breast. This can be evidenced by the narrowing of blood vessels that occurs in the presence of red marks on the skin and also the indentation around the breast after completion wearing bra.

See also :  Terrible Facts About Cervical Cancer, Did You Know ...?

Then if the correct usage in everyday bra can lead to or increase the risk of breast cancer ...?

Use camisole can impede drainage / sap flow and circulation system. Smooth function of blood circulation will be able to provide nutrients that are essential to the process of destruction of toxins in the blood. So to say if the lack of nutrients will be more susceptible to the development of cancer cells in the body. So the main role of the lymphatic one of which is juntuk remove toxins and impurities that are in the tissue around the breast.

Use camisole for approximately 24 hours in a day are more prone to cancer attacked though not 100% it is true, because it all depends on the immune system in each individual. However, the possibility of exposure to around 3-4 possibilities for wearing a bra for a full day compared with those not wearing a bra. Even for those who do not wear it at all actually almost completely exposed to the cancer.

Another interesting thing is inexplicable, the results of research natives who inhabited New Zealand and Australia are not integrated with western culture (do not wear bra in everyday life) is rarely indicated breast cancer, but just the opposite (that is integrated with western culture and wear bra ) are exposed to a lot of these cancers.

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But for those of you who have made the bra as a primary need in everyday life do not need to worry, because you still can still wear them with a safe and healthy through several ways the following:

1. Sleep without a bra

Highly recommended for those who are going to rest, especially at night to not get used to wearing a bra camisole pretty tight especially if it is used because it can cause blockage / disruption of drainage systems (flow) of the lymphatic Area Area arm and chest where it can trigger cell development -cell cancer.

2. The size of the corresponding

The habit of wearing a bra that is too tight or not according to the size of the breast to be one of the causes of aches and pains that often occur back section, even if allowed to continue can also cause cancer.

See also :  Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Use brassiere which is not proporsial with the actual size of the breasts will result in delays in the flow of lymph which is needed by the body, because the lymph nodes proved to be able to throw / clean up toxins in the body.

So from now on make it a habit to always wear a bra as necessary and appropriate size / proportion to the size of the breast. Using Brassiere Trigger Breast Cancer can be minimized or eliminated altogether influence if we are not too much in the dress in everyday life.
Hope it is useful ...

Health Center | Beauty Center Updated at: 10:24 PM


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